Monday, December 31, 2007

CSI: Erlang T-Shirts

Some folks are selling CSI: Erlang T-Shirts via Amazon.

Alas, the Erlang here is the old name of the city Erlangen, which seems to be still used in Frankish dialect. The back features "GREIM SIEN INWESDIEGEYSCHN" which is the dialect rendition of "Crime Scene Investigation".

Friday, December 14, 2007

Amazon seems to use Erlang

Amazon seems to use Erlang for its SimpleDB web service. See here.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

JAOO Interviews with Joe Armstrong

Two Joe Armstrong interviews from JOAA in September/October 2007.
Here and here.

Friday, November 30, 2007

PARE - PARallel Execution in Erlang

See here.

Unfold in Erlang

See here.

Service Pack One

An idea by Joe Armstrong. See here. (Found here)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Mark Chu-Caroll starts series of Erlang tutorials

Erlang: A Language for Functional Concurrency is the first of a series of tutorials by Mark C. Chu-Carroll.

According to his profile Mark is a computer science PhD, so I hope for critical, reflected reviews and not more of those me-too-hype articles, which clutter the Erlang blogosphere.

He also seems to work for Google. This means he probably could find out what backend technology is used for Google Talk (Google's instant messaging service) and why. Within the XMPP community many folks wonder, why Google stopped using ejabberd, the XMPP server written in Erlang. At least that is the saying. We outside Google don't know for sure.

On the other hand, dissecting ejabberd, the present Erlang killer application, would be fun too. It just turned 5 years old, and many wait for the new ejabberd2 release, as the codebase shows it age.

Go Mark, Go! :-)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Erlang talk at 24C3, Berlin

There will be an Erlang talk at the upcoming 24th Chaos Communication Congress, on December 28th, 2007 in Berlin. Its title is "Konzeptionelle Einführung in Erlang" and it will be given by Ben Fuhrmannek and Stefan Strigler.


Stefan is the author of the HTTP-Binding module for ejabberd and the JavaScript Jabber Client Library (jsjac).

Erlang Podcast on German Radio

Here is a podcast (in German) from Deutschlandfunk which features Erlang as a language which can make use of multicore processors. Joe Armstrong was interviewed for it. It was broadcasted in August 2007.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Extending the Erlang Shell (2)

Here is Ulf Wiger's second article on extending the Erlang Shell. Among other things he shows how to enter modules via the shell and examines this year's winning entry of the obfuscated Erlang competition.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Deeper Look at Tail Recursion

Why is tail recursion so efficient? In A Deeper Look at Tail Recursion James Hague explains the underlying mechanics of the abstract machine, which result in the "keep parameters in the same positions" rule.

Don't forget to read his follow-up article, where the relation to destructive updates is highlighted.

Extending the Erlang Shell

Here Ulf Wiger describes how to extend the Erlang shell. This first part shows how to extend the pretty-printer.

Z-Machine Interpreter

Here someone started implementing a Z-Machine in Erlang, this is the engine of the classic Infocom adventures, e.g. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which were famous for their sophisticated parser.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Video: John Hughes on QuickCheck

Here is a video from ICFP 2007, where John Hughes talks about QuickCheck. It is now under commercial development by Quivic and is sponsored by the European Union via a research grant. See the recent photos from the EUC 2007.

Most popular functional languages on Linux

This article tries to determine the most popular functional languages on the Linux platform. Result: OCaml, Haskell and Erlang rule.

Best of Erlang

I read through various Erlang resources on the net and usually just bookmark the better ones. Now I thought it would be a good idea to try out the blog format for this. Adding comments is nicer, my reading history is preserved and the indexing should be better as well.